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Parsnip White Gem


Parsnip White Gem A traditional winter vegetable producing medium sized ivory coloured sweet tasting roots. Delicious roasted. Sow Indoors: N/A Sow Outdoors: Feb - April Row Width 12”/ 30cm Harvest: Nov - March Average Seed Content: 345 Seeds

Winter Vegetables Seeds (4-in-1)


Carrot Autumn King – Daucus Carota A late maincrop variety producing large pointed carrots of excellent flavour and colour. Brussels Sprout Groninger – Brassica Oleracea Var. Gemmifera This variety produces large, dark green tasty sprouts, and the heaviest yields from Autumn to Christmas. Parsnip White Gem – Pastinaca Sativa A traditional winter vegetable producing medium sized ivory coloured, sweet tasting...